J.T. Eaton

Stanley Z. Baker purchased the company in 1949. Never satisfied, Stanley developed new and innovative products for professional pest control operators. In 1962 Stanley invented the paraffin bait block which is the industry standard today.
Again in 1979 Stanley developed the first glue board as we know them today. Before that, some professionals used the radiators of their cars to melt industrial glue and spread the glue across wood planks or tar paper.
Since then, JT Eaton™ has gone on to create innovative products for the pest control industry as well as the retail industry. Most recently JT Eaton™ launched an extremely successful Bed Bug program, Top Loader bait stations, green light flying insect catchers and EPA Compliant Bait Options.
JT Eaton™ is a family-run business that offers a complete line of products designed to help pest management professionals provide quality service to their customers. All JT Eaton™ products are available in a variety of sizes, when applicable, to fit the needs of any firm. JT Eaton™ also commits to quality products with the integrated pest management (IPM) strategy in mind.
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